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Teaching Free Enterprise with SMU Cox Bridwell Institute
Cool Topics in Economics: It's Not Just Graphs Anymore!

The Bridwell Institute for Economic Freedom is a research institute in the SMU Cox School of Business.The Bridwell Institute developed the Teaching Free Enterprise program to help Texas school teachers develop the knowledge and expertise they need to meet the Texas Economics TEKS regarding Free Enterprise in classroom instruction. Top professors and researchers from Southern Methodist University, TexasTech and the UT System, are providing lessons, activities and exercises that can be readily implemented in the classroom.

Important Session Information:

Topic 1: CONSTITUTIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY – Dr. Adam Martin, Texas Tech University
Why did the U.S. founders create a constitution that put limits on democratic decision making?  What is the impacting of them delegating powers between different branches of government? What is the impact of delegating different powers to federal, state, and local governments?  How has the U.S. constitutional system and federalist system changed since the American founding and what impact are those changes having today?

Topic 2: TRADE – Dr. Brandon Seitzler, Criswell College
There are long lasting effects in societies as they trade, the questions that for long-time economists have asked are: Is there an optimal amount? Do we run the risk of all becoming the same and losing the regional uniqueness?

Topic 3: GAME THEORY – Dr. Brandon Seitzler, Criswell College
How can games demonstrate the principles of economics to learners? Be prepared to experience how your students’ attention will be captured with this module that delivers concepts in a unique and engaging approach.

Topic 4: SPORTS ECONOMICS – Rick Alm, Southern Methodist University
Increasingly the world is a mobile place with people moving in and out of nations and migrating within those countries too. What does this flow of humanity look like in the Free Enterprise system? This module looks at factors of production with an emphasis on labor and human capital. What strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are economically realized as we move from location to location? Sectors examined will be energy, transportation and more with a focus on trade, policy, technology, innovation and risk.

Lunch is provided with the session. 

Dimension 1.4: Activities, Dimension 2.2: Content Knowledge and Expertise

Registration for this session has ended
Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6) CPE
Seats Available:
Contact Person:
Jessica Torres
Ann Marie Tipps
Date Time Location
6/13/2023 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM ESC Region 12
2101 W Loop 340, Waco, 76712

ESC Region 12 | 2101 West Loop 340 | Waco TX 76712 | 254-297-1212