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Session Detail


HB3 Reading Academy Year 5 - Should We Locally Implement?

We are embarking on year 5 of HB3 Reading Academies for the 2024-2025 year.

In year 4, TEA is only offering comprehensive cohorts. This is a change from the previous blended (online) cohort format. 

Moving to comprehensive cohorts has many benefits, but there are logistic changes. 

Those changes include: 

- Increase in Price Per Learner 

- 10 Face to Face Sessions

- 4 In-Person Coaching Sessions

This could make a difference in how your new teachers attend HB3 Reading Academies. 

This session is to talk through implementation options for year 5 and beyond. Let's find what is best for your district!

Important Session Information:

This session is for district administrators who will make the decision for implementation of HB3 Reading Academies for their entire district.

For more information, please contact Katie Holcomb.


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Contact Person:
Katie Holcomb
Katie Holcomb
Date Time Location
1/16/2024 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Online Location

ESC Region 12 | 2101 West Loop 340 | Waco TX 76712 | 254-297-1212