Session Detail

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Session Detail


Design Challenge K-12

Join this session and learn how to incorporate design challenges into your lesson experiences for K-12.  Design challenges encourage students to think about real-world issues and how students would solve them using available tools and materials. Participants will experience challenges that will be ready to turn around in their classroom the next day! 

Important Session Information:

Enhanced Curriculum Co-op members may attend at no additional fee.

Dimension 1.1: Standards and Alignment, Dimension 1.4: Activities, Dimension 2.2: Content Knowledge and Expertise

Registration for this session has ended
Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6) CPE
Seats Available:
Contact Person:
Judy York
Judy York
Lisa Cisneros
Date Time Location
7/22/2024 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM The Makerspace Lab

ESC Region 12 | 2101 West Loop 340 | Waco TX 76712 | 254-297-1212