Session Detail

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Session Detail


G/T Basic V: Curriculum & Instruction for Gifted/Talented Students - Depth and Complexity

Participants will be introduced to select teaching models and instructional strategies that promote cognitive and affective growth for gifted students.  Participants will have the opportunity to differentiate a lesson for gifted students based on the elements of depth and complexity.  This is the fifth of the five state-mandated G/T basic workshops.  This workshop meets state requirements for G/T basic training in curriculum and instruction.  Prerequisites:  G/T Basic I & II.

Important Session Information:

This session is Day 5 of the 30-hr training required of teachers who serve gifted and talented students. 

G/T Members may attend at no additional fee.

Dimension 1.1: Standards and Alignment, Dimension 1.2: Data and Assessment, Dimension 1.3: Knowledge of Students, Dimension 1.4: Activities, Dimension 2.1: Achieving Expectations, Dimension 2.2: Content Knowledge and Expertise, Dimension 2.3: Communication, Dimension 2.4: Differentiation, Dimension 2.5: Monitor and Adjust, Dimension 3.1: Classroom Environment, Routines and Procedures, Dimension 3.2: Managing Student Behavior, Dimension 3.3: Classroom Culture

Registration for this session has ended
Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6) CPE/G/T
Seats Available:
Contact Person:
Kari Kenobbie-Espin
Kari Kenobbie-Espin
Date Time Location
12/10/2024 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM ESC Region 12
2101 W Loop 340, Waco, 76712

ESC Region 12 | 2101 West Loop 340 | Waco TX 76712 | 254-297-1212